Sunday 6 March 2016

Herbal Chai!

Yoga and Ayurved recommend avoiding caffeine in all forms. Apart from the health benefits, the best part of getting over chai - coffee is not having a splitting headache when you don't get your daily dose of the beverage. You just wake up fresh and awake all by yourself, goodbye headaches and Groucho Marx.

Here's the recipe of Herbal Milk Tea that we is served at The Yoga Institute in place of tea. Try some!

Serves 2:


2 cups water
1 cup milk
1/2 - 1 inch piece of ginger
3-4 lemon grass leaves cut
4-5 mint leaves - if you'd like
3 tsp jaggery


1. Add any one or two of the above herbs into two cups of  water.
2. Add jaggery and bring to a boil, letting it simmer for a minute or two. Turn off the fire and set aside.
3. Warm milk in a separate vessel.
4. Strain the herbal water, and add the warm milk.
5. Mix. Serve. Relish!

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