Sunday 13 March 2016

Sukhasana (सुखासन)

In India, Sukhasana is not only a common manner of sitting on the floor with legs crossed, but it is also a meditative posture. Gentle stretching exercises for the lower limbs, also help one prepare for the posture.


Begin by sitting legs crossed at the ankle. Place right heel below the left thigh and vice versa.
Place palms on the knees or thighs, keeping elbows relaxed. Keep the spine erect, with the chin parallel to the ground. Pay attention to the flow of your breath.

“The idea is not to experience meditation, but rather to sit correctly even for a short period allowing our mind to be quiet, inward” believes Dr. Jayadeva[1].

A tight lower back and hamstrings can make one slouch, struggling to sit straight, as one is seated in Sukhasana, and soon it can begin to feel like dukhasana - full of pain. At such times, rolling a turkish towel tightly or using a small cushion, and placing it at the edge of the butt helps sit erect.

“The most vital things in life are the simplest… Sukhasana may be the simplest meditative posture. But sitting in this posture and understanding oneself is one of the greatest things a human being can do” Pradip Kumar[2].

[1] Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra: 21 day better living course
[2] A.B.Pradip Kumar: Sukhasana – Greatness in Simplicity – published in Yoga and Total Health (August 1991) 

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