Monday 22 February 2016

To be or not to be: Ahar - आहार - Diet or Food

As the food, so the mind; as the mind so the man. 

The food we eat determines our mind state and therefore plays a vital role in maintaining a balanced state of mind.

Sattvic food is natural, easily digestible, and is freshly cooked. Fruits, vegetables, cereals, lentils and sprouts are sattvic according to Yoga. Sattvic food is also cooked without too many spices, with the exception of jeera (cumin) and adrak (ginger). This food bring sattva - luminosity, lightness.

Any food that is over 24 hours old is considered tamasic and brings tamas (dullness, lethargy). Food stored in the refrigerator and repeatedly heated or eaten over a period of many days is considered stale. Refined or processed food, tinned foods with preservatives, tea, coffee, alcohol are tamasic in nature, according to Yoga.

It was a struggle initially, to eat food served in the Yoga Institute, which is devoid of spices and low on salt. By not reaching out for extra salt, you realise you can do without it.

Yoga sees food as a duty - that is, we have to eat to stay alive and not the other way around. Instead of constantly craving for newer varieties and tastes, as students we are asked to try and see if we can develop a detachment from food. Quite a radical view in today's world where almost everyone is a 'foodie'.  


(Source: Talks by Hansaji at The Yoga Institute; Insights Through Yoga (2000); Rujuta Diwekar)

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