Wednesday 13 April 2016

Bhujangasana - the cobra pose

Bhujang means cobra in Sanskrit, and the movements in Bhujangasana are based on the way a cobra raises its hood.


This asana promotes circulation to the abdominal region and strengthens the pancreas, liver and other organs in the digestive system. It relieves constipation, flatulence and other abdominal disorders. It corrects minor vertebral displacements and makes the spine flexible.

Who shouldn't be practising bhujangasana: 

This asana must not be performed by people suffering from cardiac problems, hernia, hypertension, lordotic spine (in short, those with a reaaaaally big paunch), root canal and central canal stenosis, tight para-spinals. During menstruation and advanced pregnancy, bhujangasana is contra-indicated.


1.    Lie down on your abdomen with your forehead on the ground, legs stretched out, toes flat on the ground, pointing out and heels together. Place your palms on the floor close to your chest. Your fingertips in line with your shoulders, elbows inwards, towards the body.
1.    Slowly, as you inhale to the count of 3 seconds, begin lifting your head and shoulders backwards and try not to rest your weight on your hands, coming up purely on the strength of your spine. Push with your palms, straighten your elbows and try to keep your feet together.
1.    Hold your breath for 6 seconds and exhaling for 3 seconds return to start position and relax for 5-10 seconds. Practice the asana three times daily and relax between rounds.

While in the final posture, one will feel some pressure in the lower back and the abdominal region. This is an indication that you’re doing it right.